We define a 1×n vector in Rn is a point where a zero vector is all 0
The Euclidean norm of vector x on Rn or the length of vector x is ∣∣x∣∣=∣∣(x1,x2,…,xn)∣∣=(∑i=1n∣xi∣2)1/2.
As we don't define the norm, it always assume as ∣∣x∣∣2
We also define the dot product of x,y is written as ⟨x,y⟩=⟨(x1,…,xn),(y1,…,yn)⟩=∑i=1nxiyi
(SCHWARZ INEQUALITY): ∀x,y∈Rn,∣⟨x,y⟩∣≤∣∣x∣∣∣∣y∣∣
x,y colinear ⟺∣⟨x,y⟩∣=∣∣x∣∣∣∣y∣∣
(TRIANGLE INEQUALITY): The triangle inequality holds for the Euclidean norm on Rn: ∀x,y∈Rn,∣∣x+y∣∣≤∣∣x∣∣+∣∣y∣∣
A set {v1,…,vm}⊂Rn is orthonormal if ⟨vi,vj⟩=δij for 1≤i,j≤m where δij=0,∀i=j,δii=1. If such orthonormal set can spans Rn, it is an orthonormal basis.
a very basic and common orthonormal basis is {e1,…,en}
if such set with size n, aka, ∣{v1,…,vn}∣=n, it's linear independent.
(LEMMA 4.1.3): Let {v1,…,vm} be an orthonormal set in Rn, ∀ai∈R,∣∣∑i=1maivi∣∣=(∑i=1m∣ai∣2)1/2.
A subset S of Rn is compact if every sequence in S has a convergent subsequence to a point in S.
S then is closed and bounded
Every closed subset of a compact set is compact
[a,b]n is compact for any a,b∈R
THE HEINE-BOREL THEOREM: a subset S of Rn is compact if and only if closed and bounded.
CANTOR'S INTERSECTION THEOREM: Let Ai be a decreasing nonempty compact subset of Rn for i=1,…,n. Then ⋂i=1nAi is nonempty and compact.
The Cantor Set is a fractal subset of R defined as S0=[0,1] and S1=[0,31]∪[32,1] and S2=[0,91]∪[92,31]∪[32,97]∪[98,1], S3=[0,271]∪[272,91]∪[92,277]∪[278,31]∪[32,2719]∪[2720,97]∪[98,2725]∪[2726,1], and so on. The Cantor Set is the union of all Si. Si+1 is constructed from Si recursively by removing the middle third of Si. The intersection of all Si is closed and bounded and also not empty.
We say a set S∈Rn is dense in Rn if every point in Rn is a limit point of S.
A set whose closure has no interior is nowhere dense.
A point x of set A is isolated if ∃r>0,Br(x)∩A={x}
A perfect set A is a set if every point of A is the limit of a sequence in A.